Boleno Token Distribution

A total of 10,000,000 BLN are in existence

A. Core Project Reserve Escrow Holding: 5,000,000 BLN. This token balance is locked down for two years and will not be traded in the market. This is also available for future capital needs of the Bolenum Project as it is controlled by the developer team. Also, for the support of philanthropy, community initiative, African private sector fintech innovation, a portion of this holding will be available as donation for these causes. Ultimately, a large portion of this holding shall be used as endowment to support public sector African institutions in the quest for technology advancement towards good governance. It shall be administered by the Bolenum Foundation.

B. Supplier Acount : 3,000,000.00 BLN. This is held for future capital needs of the Bolenum Project and will be utilized for fund raising at appropriate time through a Token Generation Event. The general market and the BLN community shall be informed in advance of any such fund raising if and when there is a need.

C. Core Directors Holdings: 750,000.00 BLN. This is controlled by a core director of Bolenm Project. Of this amount, a maximum of 150,000.00 BLN shall be available for trading circulation within the next 12 months

D. Core Directors Holdings: 850,000 BLN. This is controlled by a core director of Bolenum Project.

E. Hence, a total of 400,000 BLN is held by different smaller number of investors who's individual holding is below the 100,000BLN threshold. This shall be available in trading circulation for the next 12 months period. This number may change depending on market requirement necessary to stabilize the price movement of the BLN token.