
Development goals of the Bolenum Peoject:

1. The Bolenum Exchange: This shall be a centralized/decentralized exchange using a unique p2p model with secured escrow and full liquidity market. The Bolenum Exhange shall be delivered on 31st May 2018

2. The Bolenum Secured Payment Remittance Service: This shall provide end-to-end secured payment solution across many local African fiat. This shall be delivered on 31st May 2018

3. Cross Border/Token Payment Cards: This will provide seamless card payment services globally and locally for utility companies in Africa. This shall be delivered on 30th May 2019

4. Bolenum Wallet: This shall provide secure, safe and encrypted cryptocurrency wallet available on most of the major mobile phones platforms. This shall be delivered on 28 December 2019

Please stay tuned.